Using executive transitions to strengthen relationships with funders, a 3-part series
We partnered with Elevate, a consulting firm providing comprehensive grant writing and strategy to clients across the U.S., on a three-part series investigating how to navigate funder transitions during an executive transition. Drawing upon our CEO’s experience as a grantmaker, this series offers some practical solutions that executives and boards can use before, during and after a leadership transition.
In Part 1, we discuss how to use BoardSource resources to identify the type of transition you might experience and we give advice on key questions to ask yourself early in the process.
In Part 2, we share five tips to engage your funders, including communicating about your transition (i.e. early!), asking for capacity building support, and how funders might be the key to finding your next E.D.
In Part 3, we hear first-hand about the experiences of foundation professionals working with their grantees during a transition. A special thanks to colleagues at the Cafritz Foundation, Meyer Foundation, and SARC Consulting for taking the time to share their insights.