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Tag: COVID-19

Three Key Questions for Executive Directors Dealing with COVID-19

Over the past few weeks, my company Good Insight has provided free consultations to nonprofit executives and board members to talk through their specific situations related to COVID-19. From dramatically declining revenue, possible layoffs, and concerns for the communities that they serve, many are experiencing the most complex challenges that

Six Ideas for Concerned Nonprofits Boards during COVID-19

Stepping up during a crisis? Balance unique insight with respect for boundaries. All month long, our company Good Insight has provided free consultations to nonprofit executives and board members to talk through their specific situations related to COVID-19. From dramatically declining revenue, possible layoffs, and concerns for the communities that

Five Actions Overwhelmed Executive Directors Can Take This Week

Good decisions – made early– will help you lead through this COVID-19 crisis. Over the last few weeks we’ve been fielding calls from nonprofit executives and board members as they grapple with new challenging realities. From cancelled fundraisers to remote work policies to possible furloughs, nonprofit leaders like you are