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Picture of puzzle pieces with one popped out with the word "Equity" on it

How to Frame Your Experience Advancing Racial Equity During Interviews

The majority of Good Insight’s clients are nonprofits that serve historically marginalized BIPOC communities. They seek out our services because of our commitment to anti-racism. By going beyond “diversity, equity, and inclusion” frameworks, the Good Insight approach aims to address systemic barriers to advancement for

People Over Process: Creating a Caring Hiring Culture

The Great Resignation is rebranding as the Great Reshuffle. According to Forbes, more than half of the 4.4 million workers who quit their jobs in February 2022 switched occupations or fields rather than left the workforce. But why are so many leaving their jobs in

5 Practices To Recruit Racially Diverse Nonprofit Leaders

Diversity is about more than just checking a box. Nonprofit leaders are reexamining how they embed their commitments to diversity, equity, and inclusion into their operations. Over the past few months, current and past clients have reached out to Good Insight to discuss how to

Board Giving Webinar featuring Thread Strategies

In late October, Good Insight hosted a free webinar on board giving with our CEO Carlyn Madden and Tracy Shaw, a Principal Consultant at Thread Strategies, a Washington, DC-based fundraising consulting firm. In their session, Carlyn and Tracy shared about developing effective board giving strategies,

Workshop: The Essentials of Effective Governance

So much has changed since January. You made tough decisions, dealt with disappointments, scaled new projects, and increased services. Your team has worked overtime — and then some. How about your board? Have they stepped up, or stepped back?  A strong board of directors is essential to your

Building Resilient Nonprofit Boards

In late July, Good Insight’s CEO, Carlyn Madden, was a featured speaker at the National Small Nonprofit Summit, a convening of mission-minded leaders from across the country. Our session, Building Resilient Boards, discussed how to build nonprofit board capacity to sustain and recover from the